Not long ago, I had an interesting conversation with a gentleman who explained he'd observed his own personal abilities to use the background and ambient noise to help him navigate in a dark hallway in pitch black conditions. After he did this a few times he realized that if he paid attention, he was more than proficient at it. Interestingly enough, I am not surprised. Okay let's talk.
You see, previously, I've written on this topic from my own experiences, and now that I think about it, it might even be easier in the city rather than under the canopy of trees in the forest. Why you ask? Well, due to all the background noise bouncing around off everything - white noise - as you will. Now then, consider that the human ear is shaped the way it is for a reason, through evolution. Perhaps to collect sounds, and also for reinforcement to hold it up to ensure it collects the most sound in the most optimum way.
Indeed, my acquaintance also noted that he's experienced a feeling when someone is watching him. I think we've all experienced this sensation before, generally we turn around and sure enough someone is staring right at us. So, his comments about knowing when someone is watching are validated by common observation. Still, I would suggest that this sensation also works when animals are watching you, in the forest for instance. This may have been a hunting skill or survival skill.
In fact, I have some American Indian ancestral genes, I wonder if due to 10s of 1000s of years, it might be more refined in that population, thus, those genes and that gene expression survives and thrives in me. I am unsure if ALL gene sets contain the same ability, it might stand to reason that it's similar to the unique gene expression, DNA, or gene sets in long-distance runners from Kenyan, or high IQ Nordic, Russian area genes with the Germanic mix. All this might also be associated with soil nutrients, bacteria ending up in the edible plants, compounded with high-protein diets - sure, lots of speculation, but certainly observable in populations, thus further research is justified.
Now then, Rupert Sheldrake has done a ton of research on this, some call him a crackpot as they are unable to duplicate his experiments or noting that his results are not compelling. Still those who are snipers often say that if you focus too much on your target, they look right at you, so perhaps there is something more too this? If the human brain puts out 20-35 watts, and if one watt comes off the ends of your finger tip, how much energy can your mind focus? The answer is NOT zero.
So, how much, interesting and yes, so many interesting questions - in fact, I'd bet the Aborigines in the Outback have superior skills in this regard, so much so that modern society city dwellers would say it is impossible, but they don't believe that, they simply use these skills.
Lastly, let me say that since dolphins and other mammals have sonar; why wouldn't humans have such ability at a minor level? Also the ocean is 750 times denser than air. Yes, it's too bad that all these ideas and theories are so quickly reduced to "pseudo-science" but that's what people say when they cannot measure things with their instruments.
In my personal experiences, having run in the dark on trails, sensed animals looking at me, then turning around and seeing their eyes reflect off ambient moonlight, I realize that these things are not just coincidence. Your senses are picking them up, even the slightest vibration can be sensed, and the human biosystem and brain is ultra-efficient compared to our technology, which is cumbersome, and takes a lot of power. These abilities are not psychic powers, and it's not magic in anyway.
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